The difference between quartz and granite


The difference between granite and quartz stone is: different composition, hardness, environmental protection, wear resistance, maintenance, and maintenance costs.

Composition difference: The main component of granite is marble, while the main component of quartz is quartz.

Hardness difference: Granite has a higher hardness, while quartz has a lower hardness.

Different environmental friendliness: Granite is mostly made of marble powder and has a certain amount of radiation, while quartz is not harmful to human health and is relatively environmentally friendly

Different wear resistance: Quartz stone is more wear-resistant than granite

Maintenance is different: Quartz stone can be repaired and can be reused as long as it is polished, while granite cannot be repaired and cannot be reused once damaged.

The maintenance cost is different: because the surface of quartz stone is damaged and can be ground and reused, the maintenance cost is low, while granite cannot be used after being damaged, so the maintenance cost is relatively high.

Maintenance methods for quartz stone

When there is yellowing or discoloration on the surface of the quartz stone countertop, and the situation is not serious, 4B glue can be continuously wiped. Never use steel wire balls to wash, otherwise the countertop can easily be injured. If it is very serious, you can repeatedly wipe it with thin sodium water. After wiping it clean, apply soap and water on the cloth and wipe it again.

When the white quartz stone ground turns yellow, apply hydrochloric acid or oxalic acid to the cloth and repeatedly scrub it. After cleaning, apply diluted phosphoric acid solution to the cloth for wiping to prevent the ground from turning yellow again quickly.

Stoves, pans, etc. that are still very hot at the bottom cannot be placed directly or for a long time on the counter. The mat should be laid properly, otherwise cracks may appear in the heated area and the lifespan of the counter may be easily reduced.

No matter what type of tabletop it is, it should not be scratched with sharp objects on its surface. If the tabletop is accidentally scratched, dirt and bacteria can easily accumulate at the location of the wound, which is the reason why the tabletop is difficult to wipe. In addition, do not put corrosive solutions on the table. If accidentally touched, it needs to be wiped immediately with soap and water.

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